If I could give you one piece of advice, it would be “Trust Yourself.” Stop looking outside for the answers. Stop looking to others to tell you how to live your life or to hand you temporary solutions to problems that perhaps only came about because you did not trust yourself in the first place.
Trusting yourself should be the most natural thing to do, but sometimes it’s not. If you cannot trust yourself, you are powerless to make good choices, which often leads to making choices based on pressure or opinions of others. Even if they are well-intentioned, no one ever knows what is best for you, but you.
If you spend a lifetime dis-trusting yourself and seeking external guidance, eventually you will end up with a life that doesn’t suit you or make you happy.
Trusting yourself activates an inner energetic switch that puts you in the drivers’ seat and allows you to be the conscious creator of your life.
Your body and mind guide you every step of the way on your life journey. Your body gives you energetic / emotional signals to show you which was to turn and what to do. Your mind gives you inspiration, visions and ideas to pursue that are intended to guide you in the direction of your highest good. In order to trust yourself you must be in touch with this inner guidance system.
Your inner guidance system is a network of physical, intuitive and emotional information that speaks directly to you through all your senses. Your senses feed you information so that you can make good conscious choices. You already trust your inner guidance system in many ways. E.g. if you eat something rotten, you stop eating it. If you smell smoke, you check for fire.
Most of us unconditionally trust these every day aspects of inner guidance, but higher levels of inner guidance are where we usually stop trusting ourselves. We don’t trust our 6th sense (intuition) nor do we trust our emotional senses. Let go of listening to the outer world, quiet your mind and trust what comes through.